Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I have a mini that is about three years old and I've never had his teeth floated. He is just starting to get his adult teeth. He has never had any problems with his teeth, but I was wondering at what age should it be done and how often- every few years, every year, etc.How often should a mini horse's teeth be floated?Like the other poster said, as often as a regular sized horse. Being your horse is already 3 and hasn't had it done, he is definitely due to having it done. Young horses actually need more dental care, because they are the ones loosing all those baby teeth/caps and getting in their adult teeth. Therefore, extra care should be taken. As the horse gets older, and has lost all/most of it's caps, then usually once per year is good for having the teeth done. It will also just depend on your horse as an individual; each horse is a little different whether they be 28 inches tall or 17+ hh...but most of the same guidelines still apply.How often should a mini horse's teeth be floated?Mini teeth are no different from larger breed horses. Some horses teeth don't need floated. It is up to the vet or equine dentist when the teeth need floated. When you have the vet come out to do your horses shots, your vet is supposed to look at the horses teeth, its apart of the physical. Just simply ask your vet or dentists opinion if the teeth need floated. My QH's teeth need floated every year, but ive never needed a mini floated.How often should a mini horse's teeth be floated?as often as a regular horse's.


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