Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We have just bought a new male mini lop ear from a breeder and will in time get a female to with a view to breeding them. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I know females can't be bred until they are about 5 or 6 months old - but how will I know if the breeding has been successful and what precautions should I take before hand. Got a book on order but first hand experience is invaluable.

Hope you can help.Is it easy to breed mini lop ear rabbits?The way to get first hand experience is NOT here on the web. If you are buying your foundation stock from a reputable breeder, he or she is the place to start. It is great that you are going to get some book learning as well but the best thing to have is a group of people who raise rabbits and can who can be mentors when you need help. There are local rabbit clubs in many areas of the country and I would strongly suggest joining if there is one near you. The breeders in a club often have hundreds of years of cumulative experience among them so they can be a really big help when something unusual happens, which it sooner or later will!

e-mail me and I'll try to help you find a local clubIs it easy to breed mini lop ear rabbits?Trust me, just leave them in a cage together. Nature will do the rest & very quickly too!Is it easy to breed mini lop ear rabbits?well trust me they are ADORABLE haha i loved having our bunnies but don't keep them in the house unless u want them to STINK IT UP! just don't get 2 females my bunny killed my sisters PRECIOUS bunny! it was the first bunny we got and she LoVED it and then mine attacked it cause we got a male and she thought that she shouldn't have the other 1 in there! so my bunny killed hers! i felt TERRIBLE and she didn't get another bunny oh no she did it was the mom haha so sweet! so no 2 females or males 2 gether make sure they have a LOT of running room they like to hop all around! i saw some1 used a puppy fence outside in the yard and put there bunnies in that! good luck and u will have babies VERY Soon :)


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