Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Okay, so my mini Dachshund sleeps in bed with me, and she's about 7 months old so I know that she'll get her first period soon, so I'm all freaked out about it because I don't have the money right now to get her fixed.
There was a few patches of small blood stains on my sheet and I was wondering, Is she in heat? How much blood should there be? How can I prevent the blood from getting all over the carpet?What should I do about my mini dachshund?I love Dachshunds. She is in heat. buy her some doggie pants at the store. She will makes spots everywhere. You are going to have to be super watchful that she doesn't get bred. Get her fixed as soon as possible.What should I do about my mini dachshund?If you get her fixed, this won't be a problem (hint: it's cheaper than replacing your sheets). They make products to keep it contained.What should I do about my mini dachshund?First off they don't have periods. Secondly, you should have thought about this two months ago. Thirdly, go hit a few pet stores with her a buy a diaper. Use female human pads as they stick better. She will go thru this for three weeks, so she should be sleeping somewhere else. Don't forget to take the diaper off when she goes potty.|||It sounds like she is in heat. They make "underwear" type things for this and they work well as far as preventing blood from getting on furniture, etc. But most puppies don't like wearing it and you have to remove it each time she has to pee. As soon as she is finished with this heat cycle, get her spayed.


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