Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hi, im buying a horse soon and also thinking about buying a mini horse as a company mate. So my mum said look in to what the mini horse will need? So will it need Rugs, Halters , leads , ect.

Thankyou!What sort of tack do you need for a mini horse?Everything a big horse needs. They are no different accept they can breathe out there mouths, and horses can't. Plus, they are smaller. Only difference.|||They need everything a horse needs, just in smaller sizes. And if you have a VERY small child that you want to pony around on it, they do make mini horse tack. You just need to be very careful and make sure you don't continue to let the child ride the pony once the child starts getting too big for it.What sort of tack do you need for a mini horse?You can't ride a mini, so you don't need tack. If you want to drive him, you can get a harness and a cart. You need pretty much all of the care supplies you need for the normal size horse. Minis are just as expensive or more as a regular horse. Yes it will need: halter, lead, grooming supplies, supplements, vet care, farrier, and exercise. It is just like a horse, but it is smaller!|||Of course! Mini's are just like regular horses except smaller. They need everything your regular horse needs, which includes all mentioned above, plus pasture, feeding, a stall, blankets, etc.What sort of tack do you need for a mini horse?Pretty much everything a horse needs, minus tack. Unless your going to drive him, then a harness and a cart|||its just like a horse, but in smaller form. You need everything a horse would need for a mini. They are just mini horses!


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