Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I have a 9mo mini, and I'm wondering when he will start wanting to breed my mare. Because my mom doesn't believe he's going to! ;) I want to separate them...but she says it will just be a big pain, and he's still a baby...I wouldn't be so sure! lol So she told me to see what you guys think.What is the youngest age a mini horse will want to breed a pony?I've seen younger horses try to breed with anything that will let them, you need to get him gelded as soon as his testicles drop. I'd separate him now.

Youngest I've seen a colt try is 6 months, average is probably around a year and a half... but he does need to be separated and gelded.|||It's possible, like we've all told you in your previous question. Just becuase he is the equivalent of a nine or ten year old boy doesn't mean that he can't be fertile. It isn't likely that he will be, but if you don't want a baby, you should separate them for a few days. Also, get that boy gelded asap.What is the youngest age a mini horse will want to breed a pony?Does it matter? Some colts are fertile before they are a year old- Why in the heck would you take the chance?

This question shouldn't be asked- It's like saying "What are the chances that my two year old will get hurt if I let her play with my neighbor's fighting pit bull?" It doesn't matter! Why in the heck would you let it even be POSSIBLE?|||Now would be a good time to separate them. I would seriously start considering having him gelded as soon as you can find both is little man parts.What is the youngest age a mini horse will want to breed a pony?well if you were in a hurry the earliest would be like 2-3 years old. But itd be best to seperate them so you dont end up with an unplanned foal.|||Most colts are like geldings until they drop so don't worry about him until that happens unles you actually see him try to mount her|||I really think you should seperate them. No need for vet bills & an unwanted baby!


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